For Professionals
Creating professional networks

Referring to Calm Consultants
We are happy to receive referrals from other Health Professionals to work collaboratively in your client’s care.
Please ask your client to complete our New Client intake form, and we will contact them to arrange an initial appointment. We also accept referrals via Email and Fax, or you can phone us directly to discuss an individual client.
Mental Health Care Plans, WorkCover referrals and other referrals can be securely emailed to office@calmconsultants.com.au or faxed to 1300 163 862.

Work with Us
Calm Consultants is a vibrant team and welcomes enquiries from clinical psychologists, psychologists or allied health professionals interested in joining our organisation.We are a thriving practice with an extensive well established network of referral sources providing rural diversity in your work environment.
We pride our practice in being the most professional, supportive and a friendly team in the North West and we provide highly skilled administrative staff to enable you to focus on your clinical skills, while working within a beautiful and peaceful consulting space.

Professional Development
Calm Consultants have professional presenters to meet the needs of organisations across many domains. Our Presenters write and present specifically to meet your organisation’s needs.We also are key providers of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to other Psychologists and Allied Health with a strong focus on rural issues.
Our team works across the lifespan in a wide range of models, and unique challenges that face our rural community. We are keen to share our knowledge with other psychologists to help progress the practice of psychology, and its importance in a rural setting.